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How can we decide how to make the best use of our limited oil supplies

Title: How can we decide how to make the best use of our limited oil supplies
Category: /Science & Technology/Chemistry
Details: Words: 1752 | Pages: 6 (approximately 235 words/page)
How can we decide how to make the best use of our limited oil supplies
How can we decide how to make the best use of our limited oil supplies? Crude oil or "unprocessed oil" is a mixture of mostly hydrocarbons and a small percentage of sulphur compounds. It is a fossil fuel as it was initially formed around 300 million years ago, when tiny animals on the sea died and fell to the ocean bed, where sand and mud prevented it from degrading. Over millions of years, the increase of …showed first 75 words of 1752 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1752 total…cycle and consume less but realistically, most things are done for prophet and alternative fuels are more beneficial for the people. The main problem we have is not lack of resource, but lack of concern and lack of importance that we give to these resources. We may well devise new and better fuels from newer resources through advanced scientific technology and research, but as long as we don't change people's attitudes, it's a hopeless research.

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