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Title: Confucius
Category: /Social Sciences/Philosophy
Details: Words: 233 | Pages: 1 (approximately 235 words/page)
Confuciunism is a philosophy vased on the teachings of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher/teacher. Confucius highly stressed ethics. It is thought the reason for this is because the China of his time was corrupt. Confucius thought the way to live with good ethics was to follow the five virtues: Jen; to do good on others, yi; rightsiosness by justice, li; religious and moral ways of acting, chih; wisdom and hsin; faithfulness. All of these being …showed first 75 words of 233 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 233 total…rule. Confucius replied "To govern is to keep straight. If you , sir, lead your subjects straight, who will venture to fall out of line?" Confucius believed in what is called "superior Man." This was someone who followed the five virtues, and abided them. Confucius was a perfect example of a "superior Man." Some people believe that he was a great man, he was indeed, but he was merely a teacher of ethics with great wisdom.

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