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Title: Ecology
Category: /Society & Culture/Environment
Details: Words: 211 | Pages: 1 (approximately 235 words/page)
Ecology= the study of interactions among organisms and their environment. Biosphere= the portion of earth that supports life. Abiotic factors= non-living parts of the environment Biotic factors= living parts of the environment Levels of Organization in Ecology: 1. organism (one thing) 2. population (many things of the same species) 3. communities (a mix of different species) 4. ecosystem (living things and the environment) 5. biosphere (contains all ecosystems) habitat= place where an organism lives niche= the role and position a …showed first 75 words of 211 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 211 total…eat autotrophs (plants) 2. carnivores= eat other heterotrophs (meat) 3. omnivores= eat both autotrophs and heterotrophs scavengers= eat dead stuff; vultures, buzzards *decomposer= break down the complex compounds of dead and decaying plants and animals into things that can be absorbed and used by organisms. food chain sun->grass->grasshopper->snake->eagle **arrow shows direction of ENERGY FLOW** algae->fish->heron->alligator trophic level= each step in a food chain

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