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Letter "P" » Phil Simms Quotes
«I'm happy for him. I believe in his talent. I believe it's evident.»
«Look at the two New York quarterbacks, Joe Namath and myself. We've done a lot with one damn game. That's just the truth.»
«Playing well and winning the Super Bowl helped my credibility. Otherwise, when I'd give an opinion, people would say, 'What has he done?' If I didn't win that Super Bowl, I'd probably be coaching somewhere. TV would not be an option for me. So, (winning the Super Bowl) does help.»
«Winning a Super Bowl gives you a bigger chip in the game, and people perceive you to be better than you are. It gives you a stronger voice in the game. For a young quarterback, it verifies to the organization and to your teammates how good he is and that he's the man that can lead them. He'll carry that tag forever.»
«The NFL Today. Mike Shanahan knows, at best, he's got this possession and - maybe - one more.»
«He carries himself like an NFL star.»
«Why will T.O. and Bill work? Why will T.O. and Bill work?»
«I said things to Bill that were so cruel and so over the top and so out of place that I couldn't repeat them. One curse word after another, horrendously negative, hateful things.»
«He's the perfect quarterback for a team that likes to run it. Because he's big enough to stand there and shake off tacklers and get 4- and 5-yard passes off, which you need to do a lot of when you're a running team because you're in a lot of third downs.»
«[Will this year's San Diego Chargers please stand up? The Chargers went from worst in their division in 2003 to an AFC West title last season to characterize the fast turnarounds possible in an unpredictable NFL.] That's the favorite question, ... Everyone wants to know what the surprise team will be.»

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