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Letter "R" » Robert Redford Quotes
«Plus, I had never played that guy before, but I knew him intimately. You live in the West long enough, you meet those guys everywhere. Times have changed, and they don't like it a bit. Some go with the flow, some don't, and this guy doesn't.»
«I can't do a thing about it, but I tell you it does not feel good,»
«This is a movie that might change a lot of perceptions about Jennifer, too, and the little girl who plays her daughter (Becca Gardner) is really terrific.»
«Who would've thought? ... I didn't know anything about that film, and I don't think Morgan did, either, at the time. So that its coming afterwards - our film - I guess is just one of those circumstances that is beyond your control.»
«It's all about greed and money and it's the driving force in Hollywood,»
«Talk is not enough. It has to go to action and that is where we are right now.»
«The business has changed, ... The business is what it is; it's a business. Therefore, it's hard to do the films like 'An Unfinished Life' that are more humanistic. I've always been selective, and usually like to do my own things. But as that narrows down, it becomes more and more difficult. But I love it. My love is performing and directing.»
«You have to go someplace and get in touch with it. You can't put those kinds of words on the screen without some kind of reference. It would be impossible. It wouldn't make any sense. I know that territory, by association, not necessarily personal experience, but by association.»
«That's too bad, I was working so hard,»
«Yeah, I think so. Don't tell anybody, will you? ... Forty years of a big secret.»

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