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Letter "S" » Sam Cassell Quotes
«I was just doing what I do the whole year. I just try to show them the way it is supposed to be done. I don't have to say too much. I just have to remind them once in a while and once I've reminded them, we are off and running.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«It's different. But if you're going to use that as an excuse, you shouldn't play. Is it that big of a difference? We'll see.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«This team has been against the wall the whole year, and we've always come out swinging. Our back is against the wall right now. The series doesn't start until you win a game on the road.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«It's going to be outrageous, the atmosphere in Denver. All we've done to this point is hold serve. We've won at home. As far as I'm concerned, we still face a big challenge going to Denver. Our backs are to the wall, just like they've been all season.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«They were feisty and they are nasty. Even though we didn't match their intensity, we still had a chance to win the game.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«They shot 46 free throws, that's a lot. We didn't lose the game right there, they just played harder than us. They took it to us.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«They were aggressive. And the most aggressive team gets the calls. Now we've got to force the issue a little bit and make the refs call it in our favor.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«I would like to stay here, but ... I know there are going to be some other teams that are going to make me an offer. Maybe Denver. I think George Karl has really respected me even more because of my leadership abilities to get guys to come out and perform the way they are supposed to perform. That makes it so easy for a coach.I'd listen. I owe him that much respect. The Clippers are my first choice. They've got to be fair with me.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«There were a lot of fouls called. There must have been a lot of fouls committed.»
Author: Sam Cassell
«We have not played our best basketball. We missed a lot of easy shots. Hopefully, we can showcase better in Denver.»
Author: Sam Cassell

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