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Letter "Y" » Yoweri Museveni Quotes
«I myself will not rule out anything. It may be an accident, it may be something else. I am looking at all possibilities.»
«Some people say accident. It may be an accident, it may be something else, ... very well equipped . . . the one I am flying all the time. I am not ruling anything out. Either the pilot panicked, or there was some side wind, or the instruments failed, or there was an external factor.»
«We used to fight the LRA with only one dimensional force that only walks on foot, but now, we have got multiple forces to fight the rebels,»
«If Gen. Omar el Bashir's government gives me permission to pursue Kony beyond the red line, it will only take me 30 minutes to finish him and his fighters,»
«You have been fighting but you did not have the expertise. You are like that the unprofessional cook who cooks malakwang (an Acholi delicacy), but now we said come here and become better cooks, if you have been quack doctors, we have trained you and made you professional doctors ,»
«Do you want to pamper these killers?»
«one based on speculation, smuggling.? [There was] a black market on foreign currency and revenues were not being collected.? So we cured all that.»
«I've never heard an agency say, 'Unless you industrialize I will not support you.'»
«If we don't catch them, we shall kill them, ... These bandits are not able to permanently engage us because they will be wiped out. Now that they have invited us, I think they are going to find out that it was not a wise decision.»
«If (the rebels) don't negotiate, it will be chaotic, ... A military option will be successful but will plunge Zaire into chaos.»

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